Saturday, August 8, 2009

How to grow taller food

Although not of dire importance to height, food is essential for a long and healthy life. Eating the foods recommended in this article won’t necessarily help you grow taller and attain height increase but these foods will give you other benefits. Making a habit of eating healthy foods can result in an individual living longer with a reduced chance of getting common diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

The first group we are going to talk about is dairy. Dairy includes anything made from milk: yogurt, cheese and chocolate milk etc. Dairy products contain adequate amounts of protein and calcium, both of which you need to grow healthy bones, tissues and muscles and to maintain them. Some dairy products can have a lot of normal fat and saturated fat but there are always alternatives. For example, try drinking 2% skim milk or 1% fat-free milk instead of drinking 3.25% milk which contains a lot of fat.

The second group we are going to talk about are vegetables. Try going for dark green or light orange veggies like broccoli and carrots. The darker the color, the better theya re for your health. Try eating them in their netural state without any add-ons. Stay away from dipping sauces as they contain a lot of calories and carbs. If you consume 5-10 servings of veggies a day, depending on your age and health, you have a better chance of fighting off many types of cancers. Veggies contain fiber, many vitamins and little fat. Just like your mother always says, don’t forget your veggies!

The third group is grains. This includes rice, bread, cereal and pasta. This group contains a lot of fiber, which is needed for your disgestive system to function smoothly. This group also contains many carbs and protein. You need 5-12 servings from this group and make sure you get whole grains and brown rice. The darker the color, the better they are and the more fiber they usually have. This group has many vitamins and a recent study suggests that those who eat whole grains more frequently, have a better chance of combating heart disease.

The fourth group, which is commonly part of the veggie group, is fruits. Besides tasting amazing, fruits have many vitamins and anti-oxidants which are essential because they help keep your body in a good state. Eat as much as you can, just don’t try to lace them with any dipping sauce!

The final group is meats and alternatives. From this group, try consuming lean meats such as lean turkey and lean chicken. Also try to consume eggs and beans. Beans such as chick peas and kidney beans are very high in fiber. This group will contain a lot of your daily protein.

Watch your portions and try to get a variety of foods in daily. The two main nutrients you will be looking for, if you want to grow taller and attain max height, are protein and calcium.

If you’d like to learn more, then please do not hesitate to visit

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