Saturday, August 8, 2009

How to grow taller after Puberty

Having a tall body becomes a dream for everyone. Yet, it must be known that body height, whether short or tall, is determined by genetic factor called HMGA2. HMGA2 is the name of a gene which influences the body growth. The lack of hormone also becomes another factor that influences the growing process of body height. This hormone is known as somatotropin produced by the pituitary gland under your brain which controls bone growth. Please visit to know more about this in details.

In general, the body growth starts from the first day of birth. After the birth period until puberty, the body growth usually occurs in a natural way. The growth runs very fast during adolescence from the age of 13 to 19 years. After the teenage periods, the body growth still occurs but insignificantly. According to recent findings, human growth can still continue to occur even after entering the age of 50 and 60. It seems to be interesting to know how such late period of growth can be achieved.

There some ways on how to grow taller after puberty. The following points are some of those methods to gain body increase after passing the adolescent years
1. Nutrition. Like a home, we need several materials to make it built. So does our body. It needs sufficient nutrition to grow taller. The body height is determined by the quality of healthcare and nutrient supply during childhood period. In majority, people tend to be short if they do not get sufficient nutrition supply during these early ages. It is very important to consume foods containing protein and calcium as they can help the bone growth. The lack of calcium might cause possible distortion of the bones. Besides that, the lack of calcium might be caused by a dysfunction like kidney which relatively disturbs the absorption of calcium in the body.
2. Sport. It is really recommended to do exercises to give load to the leg bones. Exercises could be like athletic sports, jogging, skipping, basketball, badminton, and stretching. Those exercises can stimulate the bone to grow better and taller.
3. Other alternatives on how to grow taller. There are supplements and a few products which have powerful effect toward the body growth. But, some opponents claimed that those products have some side-effects in the long run. However, many adult people need to be familiar with such alternatives due to the comfort and easiness of use to support their body growth. Please visit for more details.

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